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Wills Solicitors
We are living in an age where the majority of the population are better off than previous generations and most will possess some assets at the time of their death.
Even if you do not have very much, by making a Will, you can ensure that any specific intentions you have for your home, money or possessions are carried out effectively and in accordance with your wishes. This can avoid unnecessary difficulties for your grieving family and friends.
While you may be tempted to make a ‘do it yourself ‘ Will or to use the services of somebody who is not a qualified solicitor the rules and regulations in connection with wills are extremely complex. There are numerous pitfalls for the unwary – these can be avoided however.
Call us on 0117 9390350 to discuss your requirements.
Every year there are many cases which end up in the courts because Wills which have been drafted incorrectly are legally unenforceable. With our help, we can give you the piece of mind that your Will is properly drafted and legally enforceable.
The most common errors made by those with a ‘do it yourself‘ Will are
- being unaware of the precise requirements necessary to execute and sign the document
- failing to give instructions on how to re-distribute assets in the event of a beneficiary dying
- altering a Will improperly after initial execution
- failing to take account of changing relationships including marriages, divorces, births and Civil Partnerships
If you have children, you should consider appointing a Guardian to look after your children in the event of your death.
Amendment of a Will
You should review your Will regularly to ensure it still what you want especially after changes to your circumstances. You can always revise your Will but the legal requirements must be followed.
Appointment of Executors
Executors are appointed under a will and are responsible for carrying out the wishes of the deceased. Their job is to collect all assets in accordance and thereafter pay all debts and subsequently distribute the net assets to the beneficiaries. Very often executors will appoint a solicitor to act as an executor on their behalf. Watkins Solicitors can be appointed to act as your executor.
Contact our wills solicitors in Bristol, Hereford and Evesham
For specialised legal advice and guidance, please get in touch with our friendly and professional solicitors.
We have offices in Bristol (Southville and Fishponds), Hereford and Evesham, as well as working with clients across the rest of the UK and internationally. To discuss your case in more detail, please call us on 0117 939 0350 or email