Government issues warning over Trimega Laboratories tests between 2010 & 2014

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Government issues warning over Trimega Laboratories tests between 2010 & 2014

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Sheldon Price says it is not clear how many cases may be affected by the warning which the Government has issued in respect of cases concerning Trimega between 2010 and 2014. Any clients who may have been affected should obtain legal advice as soon as possible. Sheldon says there could be a significant number of cases affected and she will be looking at old cases to see if we have any clients who may have been affected.   

The Warning concerns cases carried out by Trimega between 2010 and 2014

  • The Ministry of Justice has published guidance on what concerned clients should do if they were involved in a family case where hair strand testing for drug and alcohol use was provided by Trimega Laboratories.
  • The move comes as they have been made aware of police investigations into two testing companies, Trimega and Randox.
  • The test in question were carried out by Trimega Laboratories Limited between 2010 and April 2014.
  • The full guidance is available on the site
